2019年7月10日 星期三








11 則留言:

  1. 政府好似已做緊 1 和 4 !

  2. I have one more interesting idea that no one ever proposed:
    Every people with the age of 18, will be granted a HK-citizen flat-owner certificate of 300 sq feet.

    People can decide whether to sell this certificate in secondary market in HKEX or to use it for themselves to buy a private flat/public flat.

    If you buy a flat of say 500 sq feet, you will need to buy extra flat-owner certificate from gov or from HKEX. Otherwise the buyer will be charged for punishment fine for the missing 200 sq feet.

    There are some good points for this policy.
    1. The more properties you owned, the more flat-owner certificate you need to buy.
    This will create a nature demand for flat-owner certificate and force some people to sell the flat if he cannot buy enough flat-owner certificate.
    This will increase flat supply indirectly in second hand market.

    2. Young people with the age of 18 may not have enough money to create a new business. They can then sell the owner certificate in secondary market to raise capital for starting a new business.

    3. This policy encourages more people to give birth to a baby as everyone with age of 18 can get a free flat-owner certificate. This reduce the aging problem in HK.

    4. The most exciting part of this policy is that GOV does not need to spend any money on this. What it needs is to build a IT system to record the flat-owner certificate.

    1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

    2. 主意很好呀,問題是政府把許多土地賣給地產商了,所以要每人分得300呎的話,需要造地才行。

    3. 即係丁權,原居民的問題是有丁沒地,結果如何?咪就係無地的人把丁權賣給大地主。



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